(Con)Tango & Cash

Move over Nollywood, a new studio is producing documentaries, educational films and self-help videos about monetary policy! Our film treatment for Repo Your Borrowed Treasuries and Save is in the can. The spec script for Here Comes SOFR! is done. We are presently casting for gorgeous macroeconomists with rippling muscles and luxurious hair. Join us on the couch!

“…two macroeconomists take matters into their own hands... and onto the spot market.”

- Open Market Trading Desk
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Film Critics Circle

Billed discreetly in Federal Funds

New! From Eurodollar Enterprises

The motion picture event of the summer: (Con)Tango & Cash. When an international smuggling ring uses the local commodity exchange to send gold into backwardation, two macroeconomists take matters into their own hands... and onto the spot market.

Starring Travis 'the President' Kimmel as Contango, "You can take delivery of lead -- punk."

And Steven 'the Monarch' Van Metre as Cash, "You know how I promised to let you close out that trade?"

"Yeah man, you did Cash! You did promise!"

"I lied."

With Grant Williams as the polite British guy, “Well chaps, you put the mockers on, didn’t you?”

This motion picture will never be rated. Available only on-demand at Real Vision.


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