Second Skin Neck Brace

Are you Master of the Jewels? Or Clerk of the Hanaper? Perhaps Master of the Rolls, Lord Privy Seal, Vicar-General and/or Vice-Gerent in Spirituals? Well then, not a drop of your blue blood should be spilled by a woken Lumpenproletariat on some misdirected, demented scavenger hunt for aristocrats!

“…the ultimate accessory in an April dystopia you hastened…”

- Rudolf E. A. von Havenstein
Former President of the Reichsbank and current Kleptocracy Ombudsman

Costs less than a TLTRO!

New! From Eurodollar Enterprises

Friends, are you worried your monetary policies are causing lurid levels of inequality? Are you concerned civil war, its hour come round at last, slouches toward K Street? Do you worry how your supple neck will fare when the blood-dimmed tide is loosed? Then the new Eurodollar Enterprises Second Skin Neck Brace is for you!

Yes, strut through The Waste Land knowing that marauding lynch mobs of War Boys pose no danger. The carbon-fibre nanoweave is comfortable, flexible and the ultimate luxury in an April dystopia you hastened. Barter aquacola for guzzoline at Thunderdome with no concern of the guillotine. Is that the Road Warrior with a chainsaw? Then save your skin... with your Second Skin Neck Brace.


The New Eurodollar Enterprises Dictionary of Echo-Nomics